Pregnancy Nutrition

Marika Walker Pregnancy IVF Nutrition

During the first trimester of pregnancy, you are of course creating a new life but you are also growing a new organ - the placenta. This time can feel exhausting, and you may feel nauseous. You may not know what you should or shouldn’t be eating.

Your body has increased its nutritional needs during pregnancy — you’re feeding a whole new person! And although the age-old adage of “eating for two” isn’t entirely correct, you do require more micronutrients and macronutrients to support your baby, and you.

Whether you are a carnivore, vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free, it is important to ensure that your diet gives you what you need to support a healthy pregnancy. During pregnancy, a lot of your nutrition goes to your baby and this will impact your bones, mood, energy and also, your postpartum health. I can, therefore, guide you in making sure you are getting what you need.

Email me to book a pregnancy consultation, and I can map out a nutrition plan and suggest supplements to support your unique needs.

“I’m thrilled to share with you that Jack and I are pregnant!! We are still a bit in a shock, to be honest, lol. Thank you so much for all your help and guidance these past 11 months! We look forward to continuing this new phase of our family-growing journey with you :)”

A Happy Customer