Fertility Nutrition

Did you know that it takes about three months for a woman’s eggs and male sperm to mature? Conventional thinking is that women are born with all the eggs we will ever have and that the quality of those eggs declines drastically with age. But this is not the whole story. During the three months before conception, it is critically important to provide the egg with the specific nutrients needed to support embryo development and to avoid the toxins that cause the most harm. During this three-month window, there is a lot of opportunity to enhance the quality of the egg, as well as the man’s sperm. And, put simply - quality matters a lot!

Sperm contributes 50% of your chances of getting pregnant so let’s not forget semen quality. With the right diet, supplements, and lifestyle choices, sperm quality can be improved, and the chances of a healthy pregnancy are greater. There is always so much that can be done to help you at this precious time, I can create an individualised plan to make your body as healthy as possible to achieve your dreams of a family.

New this year, I am delighted to be able to offer my new FERTILITY FREEDOM HOUR. A dedicated hour-long online session which allows you the space to ask me the questions that are most important to you and/or focus on very specific areas of your personal situation. Click below to learn more about it.

  • Here's what you can expect from the session:

    Personalised Attention: We can discuss your medical history, dietary patterns, and any previous fertility challenges you may have faced. I can help you interpret test results, discuss the various supplement options, or discuss and work through advice that other medical professionals have given you.

    Brainstorming and Troubleshooting: Our session provides the perfect space to brainstorm ideas and troubleshoot any obstacles you might face, whether implementing or understanding dietary adjustments and making realistic and doable lifestyle modifications.

    Test Result Interpretation: If you've undergone any fertility-related tests, I can help you interpret the results and guide you in implementing any necessary changes based on the findings or suggest further testing where it might be necessary.

    Supplement Guidance: Wondering which supplements might be beneficial for your fertility? I can provide recommendations based on your individual needs and preferences, as well as following any testing.

    Clarity and Understanding: By the end of our hour together, and regardless of the questions you may have, my aim is that you leave with both clarity and understanding so that you can move forwards positively and in support of your fertility goals.

    Get in touch to book your Fertility Freedom Hour today.

Marika Walker IVF Fertility Pregnancy Nutrition

My vision is to empower you with the knowledge you need to take control of your situation and make your (fertility) wishes come true.

My dream is that one day all women know that they so much power in their hands; they are not helpless in the face of infertility; they have so many things in their power to change the story that they are in.

“After six months of working hard on my diet, we finally got pregnant! I am sure this is a result of following Marika’s advice. Thank you!”

- Emma and Steve